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Showing posts from September, 2018


Earth Rider Brewery

Every once in awhile, Julia and I come across a brewery that truly rises head and shoulders above the crowd. Earth Rider in Superior, Wisconsin is special in all of the ways that matter to us.  Earth Rider logo Located amongst a dense population of working class bars on the western edge of Superior, Wisconsin, Earth Rider’s taphouse is in an old brick building. The inside is a bit dark. There is no food to speak of here. Earth Rider is where you go if you want to drink really good beer in just about every beer style that we like. I started with their 2018 World Beer Cup bronze medal winner in the oatmeal stout category, North Tower Stout, while Julia enjoyed their hazy IPA. After sampling the Raspbecrush Tart, I then opted for a perfectly-styled Vienna Lager, which was dispensed side-pull, something the server described as a method to bring out a more creamy head.  We adjourned to the outdoor beer garden, which had a mural that I loved. For dinner, we went a couple of blocks down the s

Rock Springs Walmart

Flaming Gorge, Days Two and Three

Flaming Gorge, Days One and Two

Wild Horse Canyon Road


The Big Horns: Sitting Bull Campground

Mikesell-Potts Recreatiion Area

Devil’s Tower

Water problem in the Brew Hut

Bear Butte State Park

Now that I’m Settled In, It’s Time to Go

The Badlands: It’s all good

Magnolia, Minnesota

Countdown at 5 days