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Along the River

Yesterday would have been Justin’s 24th birthday. I haven’t been sleeping well, and there are so many memories in the house. This morning, we headed to Iowa and set up camp a few steps from the shore of the Mississippi River.  The campground is quiet mid-week, and it was a perfect day in the Upper Midwest: temperatures in the mid 70’s. A haze from the Canadian wildfires masked an otherwise sunny day.  We’ve already seen our first barge.  There is something very peaceful about sitting in a camp chair and watching the river flow by. 

Step One

 I’ve been stuck in this campground for eight nights now, and we’re feeling a little claustrophobic. The good beer is all gone, and most of the cheap beer is too.

Callie: “Not Miller High-Life?”

I called the auto service desk this morning when it opened, and they were eventually able to confirm that my part arrived at the Nissan dealer twenty miles away. Their driver has to go get the part, and then the service department has to work it into the schedule for replacement of the broken shift assembly. With good luck, I won’t need to pursue contingency plans for an alternative way to move the trailer by Thursday when my campsite is reserved for someone else. I’ll update this post when I learn more.


Bill said…
Clearly desperate times when you have to resort to cheap beer. What a saga.

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