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Back Home. Where will our next home be?

With our mission complete to check out the top four choices for relocating next year, we drove home from Santa Fe without wasting any time, leaving early Sunday morning and pulling into our driveway on Monday evening. Home, sweet home I've mowed the lawn, picked up the junk mail, and roasted coffee for the week.  Did we reach any conclusions after five weeks of boots-on-the-ground research?  Kinda, sorta.  I confirmed for myself that I'm ready to move from Wisconsin after living here for the last 30-plus years.  Honestly, I could live in any of the four cities that we visited, but Julia and I are in agreement on the top two. Not making the final list are Grand Junction and Santa Fe. We couldn't find as much bang for the buck as we expected in Grand Junction as it relates to housing.  Also, Julia felt that it was too isolated from a major airport and too small in general.  Santa Fe was just too expensive for us, although we loved many things about it as a destination.  As th

Lincoln County, Wisconsin

Tonight, I am camped on my brother-in-law’s property on Long Lake. On the way up here, I checked out the dispersed camping situation on Horn Lake, which is northeast of Merrill. Unfortunately, there are only two places to camp at the end of the road. There were already three trailers squeezed into two sites. 

In any event, it doesn’t look like a good option when I leave here. Scott’s flat spot turned out to be very nice. I even have house electricity. Actually, it is an extension cord running from his outhouse, but I’m happy to have it. 



greg said…
My family all have more urban-type locations to offer up for parking opportunities. One isn't too bad, a spot within shouting distance of town on 10 acres screened from the busy road by a line of trees, another is a typical urban-style "subdivision" with a 30' long tilted driveway or,to keep from blocking in the cars in the garage, street parking (Got to get that just right to stay clear the mailbox and avoid impairing access to the across-the-street-neighbor's driveway.), and my third option is a very full parking-lot at Mom's active-adult community, which is currently closed to all visitors anyway.

In fact it turns out that I'm the one with the best home "camping" spot. It's just so far from everyone else I'm the only one that uses it. . .

I'm a little concerned about boondocking/camping opportunities for the next couple years to come. (Does anybody not think there is going to be at least one more serious round of infections? An urban county in Central Texas showed a very steep jump in the 7 day running average of new cases over the past couple days, but that didn't prevent the governor from going to phase three of the re-opening plan and allowing 75% occupancy of restaurants and bars as of this morning.)
Brewed Journey said…
This virus is a game-changer in many ways for at least the next year or two. And, yes, I agree that a second wave is very likely. I think the only question is whether it will happen in the fall or earlier.

Lincoln County’s virus cases are 7 confirmed and no deaths. Wisconsin has 22k cases, so folks up here are feeling pretty safe. I just don’t see that continuing for much longer. The virus just hasn’t established a foothold here yet.

My plan for this summer is shorter camping trips, bring all my supplies, wear disposable gloves or doggie bags while gassing up or touching common surfaces, and keep to myself. If those things aren’t possible, I’m not going to be able to camp much.

It sure would be nice to have an early, safe and effective vaccine. Probably too much to hope for.

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