Winds of March
The winds of March bring change. I saw my first robins this week while walking along Spring Creek.
My mother turns 86 today. Happy Birthday, Mom! We were supposed to go to Iowa for a visit, but she asked us not to come. She is nursing a bad cold that has lingered for a week.
Julia called the realtor this morning to start the process for listing our house for sale. We are in the last stages of getting things ready, and there isn't much more that can be done. I loved this place for many years, but the time and expense for upkeep on an older home with its acres of land isn't that attractive anymore. Wisconsin winters have also worn us down. With global climate change, less snow and more ice isn't a good trade-off.
We are nervous and excited about the changes ahead. Tucson is drawing further ahead as our next place to land, but we haven't made any final decisions yet and will probably take some time after this place is sold. Renting for a year in Arizona, Colorado or even Mexico remains a possibility.