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Ten Degrees and Getting Colder

  Cold Sunrise   That's just the name of the song written by Gordon Lightfoot.  It was actually -13 F when I got up this morning (wind chill -24).  Tucson may have pulled back into the lead!  There's a lot of weighing pros and cons of Colorado vs Arizona by the wood stove.  Not much else to report. I did enjoy a few games of pool and a beer with my brother this week.  We don't get together very often, so it's good to try to keep the lines of communication open, especially with my mother celebrating her 86th birthday next month.  He lives in Milwaukee and just started semi-retirement.  Our opposing politics and lifestyles keep things very casual and surface-level.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.   It's important to find common ground.  He and his wife have started going to concerts and recently saw the Steve Miller Band.  Music is one of our common interests.      

The Battle Rages On

 Justin has now been extubated a total of three times, and the hope is the third one is the charm.  He remains in ICU, breathing with his bipap machine, supplemented by oxygen.  He hasn't passed his swallow test yet to start eating food; they will test his swallowing ability on Monday, if he can tolerate the 45 minute procedure without his respiration tanking.  

A swallow test isn't quite as simple as proving he can swallow something.  They have you swallow liquid then track its path to make sure that it doesn't end up in the wrong place (the lungs).

Justin also hasn't been able to get weaned off the morphine IV.    For awhile, he was either in excruciating pain or not conscious, but they seem to have found a happy medium where the pain is managed.  Most days, Justin texts me and is able to communicate during our daily visits.  A few times, he has texted me in the middle of the night, not knowing whether it's night or day in his room without windows.  

Justin has started taking other visitors.  His pastor came and visited with him this week and also Julia's sister. Allie is coming home to see him next week and will stay awhile, working remotely.   

The hospital also assigned a nursing assistant to sit with him 24/7 to avoid any more "unattended respiration events."  The ICU staff is planning on moving him to intermediate care as soon as a bed opens up (the hospital is full to capacity).  However, the nursing assistant order will travel with him throughout his hospital stay.

A Good Day in ICU


MFH said…
Thanks for the update. Things seem too tenuous to ask.

John said…
Just taking things day by day and thankful for the good days. I was able to watch the first half of the Super Bowl with him last night. For most of Justin's unique life, we have redefined success and failure. This is just another phase for battling a horrible disease that always wins in the end.

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