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Not really SAD, but

A lot of people are affected with Seasonal Affective Disorder in Wisconsin.  We have many, many days without sun during the winter months.  This year, we've had a string of days with heavy fog and unseasonably warm temperatures in the 30's and 40's.   Personally, I can't claim that I've ever really felt the effects of SAD, but this year, knowing that we are likely moving west later next year, I've been very impatient and annoyed with Wisconsin weather.   Sun trying to fight through the clouds It hasn't helped that my daily routine involves looking at the weather in Fort Collins and Tucson.  Their weather has been spectacularly sunny and more pleasant this time of year.   So, I haven't been blogging much because not much is going on. I've substituted indoor pickleball for hiking. The trails have been muddy and not much fun. For Christmas, we had my mother, Julia's brother and Allie here.  I went and retrieved my mother from Cedar Rapids a...

A New Hole

Justin tolerated his tracheostomy and has been breathing with the assistance of a ventilator since Friday.  The next step is a transfer to a specialty hospital, where he will receive speech therapy and learn to eat with the trache.  The average stay there is about 25 days, but nothing has been average about Justin's hospital stay so far, so we will see.  

The newest development is the prescription of fentanyl patches to alleviate Justin's back pain.  These take about 12 hours to start to have an effect and then last about three days, supposedly.  When I visited Justin this morning, it had been 15 hours, and he wasn't feeling any pain relief yet.    Too much pain medication means that he is too groggy to do breathing therapy.  Too little, and he is in excruciating pain. 

That hospital transfer will supposedly occur tomorrow.  Another day of "one day at a time." 


MFH said…
There's Allie!!!

And Justin is smiling!! And so is Julia!!


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