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Kruger Rock

All of the neighborhood scouting and a weekend of open houses in Fort Collins/Loveland had us looking up into the mountains for a day hike. Dogs and Rocky Mountain National Park are not a friendly combination with the former banned, except for parking lots and roads. So we looked to Larimer County and found Hermit Park Open Space near Estes Park with dog-friendly trails.  After paying the $10 for a 24 hour day pass, we drove up to about 8300 feet and parked at the trailhead. There was only one other car parked; we ran into only one other group on the way up to Kruger Rock. It was a spectacular hiking day with temperatures in the sixties, sunny skies, changing fall colors, and excellent trail conditions.  We gained about a thousand feet to reach the top. The final ascent included a short and narrow rock scramble. After such a great hike, we felt like we had earned a beer. Unfortunately,  it was only 11:30 am when we finished up and drove into Estes Park. No problem! Not only was Rockcut

Getting to Know You

We’ve spent several days exploring the Loveland and Fort Collins area. Basically, we look for residences in our price range and then walk the neighborhoods, seeing if it feels good to us. This afternoon, we went to half a dozen open houses to better understand the market. 

It’s been some work but also some fun. One night we went out for dinner with one of Julia’s optometry school classmates and her husband, Dave, a Fort Collins lawyer. They took us out for Mexican food and to some hole in the wall bars in Fort Collins’ Old Town.  A good time was had, but I frankly can’t keep up with Dan, who is a serious craft beer drinker. 

Before today’s open houses, Julia went to the weaving guild meeting in Loveland.  She said the people there were very friendly and welcoming. I found some advanced pickleball players to play with at one of the city parks in Loveland and ended up getting invited to play next week at one of their regular advanced groups that gets together. People talk about Midwest-nice, but we have found people to be very friendly in Northern Colorado.

After another round of open houses tomorrow, we will do some exploring in the mountains next week.

Taking a walk on the Big Thompson River trail

New Belgium Brewery beer garden

“Watching” at Bent Beech beer garden


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