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May Update

After battling a failed respiratory system for four months in the hospital, my 23-year-old son, Justin, died last night.  Last week, he was driving the hospital bean-counters and back-office people crazy by having way too much fun in the hospital.  He was playing video games, watching sports and crime shows on tv, and ordering Uber Eats.  Then Saturday afternoon, he went code blue with rapid changes in oxygen level, heart rate and blood pressure.   With modern medicine, drugs and technology, hospital staff stabilized his numbers, but Justin became quite uncomfortable and agitated.  His last words were, "Will it ever end?"   Allie flew home on Sunday night, and her presence in the hospital room on Monday brought a final, brief smile to Justin's lips.  He passed later that night.   I'm proud of my son for his lifetime willingness to fight for a life that was in many ways fuller than most able-bodied people.  In return, he made our lives richer and fuller.   After a time

Wildcat Den State Park

 The sunrises are worth getting up for at Shady Creek.

Wildcat State Park is less than two miles from Shady Creek COE, and we always make sure to hike the trails here.  When we arrived at about 9 a.m., there was a small wedding taking place.  We backtracked to a different trail so we would not intrude.  

Grist Mill



MFH said…
Nice to see the two of you.

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