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April Update

  It's been awhile since I've posted.  Justin's situation is hard to write about, but I know there are people who want to know what's going on with Justin, my son.  In truth, he is getting sicker and weaker.  For awhile,he made great progress, talking, eating, and getting back into his power wheelchair.   Then he started getting weaker.  His left lung became covered with secretions, and he needed surgery to scrape things out. Then a CT scan revealed more new spine fractures (total of 7).  After that, he just hasn't been able to get over the hump.  This week, Justin decided to discontinue the weaning from the ventilator.  He is on full breath support and can no longer use the voice valve to talk without dangerous oxygen drops.  Pain medication has been significantly increased to help him deal with the pain. It's a tough thing for a 23-year-old to confront one's mortality.  We will continue this journey with Justin to the end to the best of our abilities.  We

Now and Then

 I’ve been exercising Callie on the rails to trails system in the small city of Ashland. Downtown, there’s an original opera house, being renovated into $400k condos.

I’m not a real estate expert, but I wonder who can afford these. This is not particularly an affluent town. If it was, I suspect that the opera house would not have been allowed to fall into such disrepair.

Just outside of town is a cabin.



MFH said…
Good lord! The way that's worded makes them sound like a couple of guys out just hiking around who got strong-armed. Rather than pay up, they just ran down the block to their big brother who fixed everything. It makes the whole "taming of the wilderness" a joke.
John said…
The more that things change
The more they stay the same

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