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Back Home. Where will our next home be?

With our mission complete to check out the top four choices for relocating next year, we drove home from Santa Fe without wasting any time, leaving early Sunday morning and pulling into our driveway on Monday evening. Home, sweet home I've mowed the lawn, picked up the junk mail, and roasted coffee for the week.  Did we reach any conclusions after five weeks of boots-on-the-ground research?  Kinda, sorta.  I confirmed for myself that I'm ready to move from Wisconsin after living here for the last 30-plus years.  Honestly, I could live in any of the four cities that we visited, but Julia and I are in agreement on the top two. Not making the final list are Grand Junction and Santa Fe. We couldn't find as much bang for the buck as we expected in Grand Junction as it relates to housing.  Also, Julia felt that it was too isolated from a major airport and too small in general.  Santa Fe was just too expensive for us, although we loved many things about it as a destination.  As th

Seasonal Affective Disorder

It's time for a road trip.  This winter has been grey and cold--without any redeeming qualities, such as snow to play in.  Time to blow this Popsicle stand.  The bags are packed.  The neighbors are watching the abode with automatic weapons.  Time to roll south.  First stop will be Iowa, but it will definitely get more exciting than that.

What could be more exciting than Iowa?


greg said…
Not sure how I managed to survive in dark, cloudy Michigan. Probably because as a kid I didn't know anything else. Tried going back after a stint in sunnier climes but that didn't last long, family home or not!

Now when we get three consecutive cloudy days here in Texas I'm shaking my fist at the sky.
John said…
This winter has been especially tough. Maybe it gets worse with age.

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