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Ten Degrees and Getting Colder

  Cold Sunrise   That's just the name of the song written by Gordon Lightfoot.  It was actually -13 F when I got up this morning (wind chill -24).  Tucson may have pulled back into the lead!  There's a lot of weighing pros and cons of Colorado vs Arizona by the wood stove.  Not much else to report. I did enjoy a few games of pool and a beer with my brother this week.  We don't get together very often, so it's good to try to keep the lines of communication open, especially with my mother celebrating her 86th birthday next month.  He lives in Milwaukee and just started semi-retirement.  Our opposing politics and lifestyles keep things very casual and surface-level.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.   It's important to find common ground.  He and his wife have started going to concerts and recently saw the Steve Miller Band.  Music is one of our common interests.      

Sunday Morning Coming Down

When Julia and I came down the steep stairs from Cristo Blanco, we were greeted by all kinds of festivities in the Plaza de Armas, which take place every Sunday morning.

Girls Middle School Band


The photo above shows both the adult band and the local officials under the red tent presiding over the flag ceremony.  On every Sunday morning, hundreds of local people in Cusco come to the plaza to watch the raising of the Peruvian flag and the flag of Cusco.  Patriotic songs are sung to cheers.  The flag ceremony takes well over an hour, including speeches.  All of that time the flag raisers must stand at attention.

Elections were to take place the following Sunday.  In Peru, voting is mandatory.  There are no alcohol sales on the day preceding the election, the day of the election, or the day after the election.  Voter id cards are required.  There are stiff fines for not voting.  Because so many people had their voter id card expire during the pandemic, there were long lines of people wearing masks to enter buildings in order to renew their voting cards during the week before the election.  The reason that elections take place on Sundays is because that is the day off for family.  Work is not an excuse.  If one is required to work on Sunday, employers are required to let employees have time off to vote.  

Food for thought. 



greg said…
Voting is compulsory in 27 democratic countries around the world, but here in the US a certain political party would HATE the idea!
John said…
I'm not sure if it's hate, fear, or both, but there's a deliberate trend away from democracy in this country, as evidenced by gerrymandering, voting hour and place restrictions, and the manufactured illusion of rampant voter fraud.

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