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April Update

  It's been awhile since I've posted.  Justin's situation is hard to write about, but I know there are people who want to know what's going on with Justin, my son.  In truth, he is getting sicker and weaker.  For awhile,he made great progress, talking, eating, and getting back into his power wheelchair.   Then he started getting weaker.  His left lung became covered with secretions, and he needed surgery to scrape things out. Then a CT scan revealed more new spine fractures (total of 7).  After that, he just hasn't been able to get over the hump.  This week, Justin decided to discontinue the weaning from the ventilator.  He is on full breath support and can no longer use the voice valve to talk without dangerous oxygen drops.  Pain medication has been significantly increased to help him deal with the pain. It's a tough thing for a 23-year-old to confront one's mortality.  We will continue this journey with Justin to the end to the best of our abilities.  We

Summer’s Bounty

About five or six years ago, I planted six fruit trees:  three apple, two pear, and one cherry.  At the house before this one, I had some great luck with the apple trees planted on a hillside.  However, conditions here are different:  steeper terrain, clay soil,and more wildlife and insects.  I lost one apple tree after it was run over by the neighbor’s escaping steer.  The other two apple trees have had issues with late freezes and insects, producing pretty much nothing usable.  The pear trees, which were purchased because they were different types known to play well together, have never even flowered.  The cherry tree was eaten up by deer and then pruned poorly by me.

But this year has been different–at least, for the cherry tree.  We’ve already harvested 8 cups of cherries.  Julia also went to a local farmer and picked strawberries last weekend., along with her own rhubarb. We’ve been enjoying fruit, pies, and smoothies.  There’s something special about walking up the hill to the Scamp and stopping to pop a few ripe sour cherries in my mouth.

Speaking of the Scamp, modifications are coming along slowly but nicely.  The old smelly carpet is gone, and some nice gray vinyl plank is in its place.  Also, I installed vinyl wallboard on the space between the floor and the walls.  The installation is far from perfect, but it’s acceptable to an ex-lawyer with few construction skills.  Function over form is my motto. 

The bed was also ‘the subject of an upgrade.  When I bought the Scamp, the previous owners were using a three-inch foam pad on top of the original cushions.  I threw out the foam pad and stored the cushions, replacing them with eight inches of memory foam.  Much better!.  I have taken a few afternoon naps to test it out. I’ll take some photos when I get closer to completion.  The new dinette table, created by someone with infinitely greater skills, will be the focal piece of the remodeled interior.

The electrical system is still in the research phase.  I will definitely upgrade the battery before my September trip and probably buy an inverter for laptop use. I may put off some of the other electrical upgrades until I take my first extended trip and see what I am capable of producing/using in amps.

We are continuing to put together the pieces of Justin’s puzzle.  There are some caregivers lined up for his college summer school in July.  He is working on backups in case something goes wrong.  We’re taking two steps ahead for every step back, but that is better than the other way around.

If everything falls apart, I may be going to college as a caregiver and living in the Scamp for a month.  If everything holds together, Julia and I have a special trip planned.  Stay tuned.


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